AP Smart LayerSlider (Style4)
Example: Style4
- Smart Video. This example demonstrates the slider's support for any content, not only images. In this case, it's possible to load videos, text and any other HTML content. Also, the videos will be controlled automatically, so if another slide is selected while the video is playing, the video will be stopped automatically. Also, when the video starts, the autoplay feature will be stopped.The video types or providers supported by this module are: YouTube, Vimeo, HTML5 and Video.js
- Animated Layers. AP Smart LayerSlider supports layers, which are blocks of text or HTML content that can easily be positioned, sized or animated. Layers can be both animated and static and they can hold any HTML content like: text, links, buttons, images, DIVs, headings, etc. Also, layers can be scaled down automatically or with CSS.
- Auto Scale Layers features automatic scaling of the layers when the slider becomes smaller.
- Loop is enabled. Indicates if the slider will be loopable (infinite scrolling). Slider is loopable by default, but if you don't want for some reason to loop slides, it can be disabled.
- Fade Slides. Features a simple and elegant cross-fade transition between slides instead of the default slide/swipe transition. Also ""Fade duration", duration of the fade effect is '700' (milliseconds).
- Keyboard Navigation. Slider is "Keyboard Navigation" friendly as well. The arrow keys will move the slider to the next or previous slide.